Realtor - Tiffin Office
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Describe yourself in 3 words Honest, Caring, Hard-worker
Favorite quote or motto "Always be kind, you never know what someone else is going through"
Qualities that best describe you as a professional?
How would you describe your communication style?
On a sliding scale of 1 to 10, how would you rank yourself on the following?
Zen vs Energetic and Enthusiastic 10 / 10
Detailed-Oriented vs Big Picture Thinker 8 / 10
Traditional vs Innovative and Modern 8 / 10
Calm Under Pressure vs Thrive in Fast-Paced Situations 7 / 10
How to you tailor your approach to meet your clients' needs?
Hard work and dedication makes me committed to helping all my real estate clients achieve all their goals. I am able to adjust to each individual needs and personality to help everyone realize their homeownership dreams.
Favorite Local Hotspot? The Ritz Theatre
Your Dream Home would Include? The beach and mountains